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Listening Comprehension:“我的生日”

Listen to the monologue then answer the following questions.
You need to know the word “法國” (fǎguó, France) to understand the audio.

這個女孩子的生日是幾月幾號? *

她今年多大? *

她請誰吃飯? *

她的同學…… *

她和她的同學…… *

In “我的生日” you heard “晚飯” and “好吃”. You know 晚、飯、好 and 吃. But when we put 晚 and 飯 together, and put 好 and 吃 together, what are the meanings of the two words? In modern Chinese, much more common is the case where two or more characters combine to make words. Sometimes this is simply a case of adding a suffix or prefix to a character. In others, meaningful characters go together to form “compounds”. That’s why when combining 晚 and 飯, we get 晚飯 which means supper or dinner, and combining 好 and 吃, we get 好吃,which means good to eat, tasty or delicious. Although we should not get the wrong impression that any two characters can be freely thrown together, in many cases we may tell the meaning of certain “compound words” based on their meaningful component characters.

Reading Comprehension:白小英請我們吃晚飯

Read the story first, then listen to the questions and answer them. They are all True or False questions.

In the reading, you will encounter several new words, please study them first.

新年: xīn nián/ New Year
說: shuō/ to say
最後: zuì hòu/ finally; at last
決定: jué ding/ to decide






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